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Statistics from Apache Gump(TM) show the depth and health of inter-relationships.


Project Summary

Overall project success : 92.03%

Projects Successes Failures Prereqs No Works Packages
138 104 (75.36%) 04 (2.90%) 07 (5.07%) 00 (0.00%) 23 (16.67%)

Module Statistics

Page Description
Modules By Elapsed Time Time spent working on this module.
Modules By Project # Number of projects within the module.
Modules By Dependencies # Number of dependencies within the module.
Modules By Dependees # Number of dependees on the module.
Modules By FOG Factor Friend of Gump (FOG) Factor. A measure ofdependability (for other Gumpers).
Modules By Last Modified Best guess at last code change (in source control).

Project Statistics

Page Description
Projects By Elapsed Time Time spent working on this project.
Projects By Dependencies Number of dependencies for the project.
Projects By Dependees Number of dependees for the project.
Projects By FOG Factor Friend of Gump (FOG) Factor. A measure of dependability (for other Gumpers).
Projects By Duration in state Duration in current state.
Projects By Dependency Depth Depth (in dependency tree) of the project.
Projects By Total Dependency Depth Total Depth (sum of direct dependencies depths) of the project.

Apache Gump, Gump, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache Gump project logos are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.

Last Updated: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:03 ().Python Logo